An opportunity to get support, review set ups and share new discoveries as well as practicing Brainspotting. These groups are FREE to all Brainspotting Practitioners.
Triad Brainspotting Peer Consultation Group (online)
Last Monday of every month (except holidays) 12 pm-1 pm EST
Contact Heidi Birkner at to be added to the email list
Held Space Peer Consultation Group (online)
Third Friday of every month 9-10:00 am CST
Contact Emily Moïse-Fontenot at to be added to the email list
Healing with Brainspotting Peer Consultation Group (online)
Third Thursday of every month 12:00-1:30 pm EST
Visit to sign up
'Spacious’ Brainspotting Consultation and Support Group (online)
Second Monday of each month 5-6pm CT.
Contact Elly Nygren Szapiro to be added to the email list for the group, email or call 303-506-3507.
Body Justice Brainspotting Group
Fourth Friday of each month at 12 Noon US CT/1pm US ET
The purpose of this group is to help educate therapists in the ethical practice of Brainspotting through an appearance-neutral lens. This includes any aspect of bodies that we and our clients may need to come to terms with - whether resolving trauma around oppression about weight/size, skin color, signs of aging or visible disability, as well as healing trauma from disordered eating/dieting or other forms of self-harm.
Contact Christie Bates at or via the Body Justice Brainspotting Facebook Group.