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Spirituality and Brainspotting Webinar with Cynthia and Beth

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SEBI President Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW and SEBI Vice President Beth Medina, LMHC facilitated the first of our special interests topic webinar series on Spirituality and Brainspotting. In this recording, topics covered include the etymology of spirituality, spirituality through the Brainspotting lens, framing spirituality around healing issues using BSP, and more! Spirituality has been characterized as a universal human experience--a connection to something greater than the self that transcends time and space and expands well beyond the mere tangible, physical realm. Similarly, Brainspotting is a therapeutic modality that, with the attuned presence of the therapist, connects the client to their innate ability to heal both physiologically and relationally, expanding beyond the therapeutic limitations of talk therapy." - Beth Medina

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