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brainspotting institute

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Phase 1 Training, Nashville, TN

  • 10/25/2019
  • 10/27/2019
  • Nashville, Tennessee


Christine Ranck, LCSW and Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW are Senior Brainspotting Trainers and Supervisors with over 30 years of experience in private practice, Christine in NYC and Cynthia in NYC/Atlanta. Close colleagues of Dr. David Grand, discoverer/developer of Brainspotting, they participate in a monthly consultation group with Dr. Grand.  They specialize  in working with survivors of profound trauma, and in creativity and performance enhancement for athletes, artists and performers, and are internationally known seminar leaders and speakers.


Brainspotting is the revolutionary and highly effective mind-body treatment that uses relevant eye positions to access the brain/body’s innate self-scanning and self-healing capacities, and thus release the core neurobiological sources of emotional and/or body pain, trauma, dissociation, and a variety of challenging symptoms.

Students will first learn the phenomenological approach that underpins strategies for Brainspotting, followed by strategies for identifying and processing Brainspots. Attention will be given to the utilization and integration of Brainspotting into ongoing treatment, including highly dissociative clients. Brainspotting is adaptable to almost all areas of specialization.

Brainspotting provides therapists with powerful tools that enable their patients to quickly and effectively focus and process through the deep brain sources of many emotional, somatic and performance problems.

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